LitSavant Ltd - Thinking outside the box ...
Mark Dingle

Mark Dingle

LitSavant was established by Mark Dingle in 2010.

Mark has been working in the litigation support industry for over 11 years. His past employment includes two top 20 law firms and one of the largest service providers. In these roles Mark has managed edisclosure projects on behalf of leading financial institutions and insurers as well as high profile energy and pharmaceutical companies.

Mark was a founding member of LiST and a member of the LiST group committees responsible for their proposed "Revised Disclosure Statement", "Data Exchange Protocol", "Draft Technology Questionnaire" and "Practice Direction for the use of IT in Civil Proceedings".

Mark is currently a member of the working party chaired by Senior Master Whitaker charged with drafting a practice direction governing the handling and disclosure of Electronically Stored Information (ESI). This draft Practice Direction was recently favourably referred to by Lord Justice Jackson in his Review of Civil Litigation Costs: Final Report.

The process of extracting information from a document and entering it into an electronic system. The extracted information may be bibliographic coding, comments or a list of issues relating to a document.
It might be contended that CPR 31PD 2A and electronic disclosure are little known or practised outside the Admiralty and Commercial Court ...
Judge Simon Brown (Oct 2009)

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It might be contended that CPR 31PD 2A and electronic disclosure are little known or practised outside the Admiralty and Commercial Court. If so, such myth needs to be swiftly dispelled when over 90% of business documentation is electronic in form. The Practice Direction is in the Civil Procedure Rules and those practising in civil courts are expected to know the rules and practice them; it is gross incompetence not to.

Judge Simon Brown (Oct 2009)
Earles v Barclays Bank Plc [2009] EWHC 2500 (Mercantile)
(08 October 2009)

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