Prior to the CPR the test under the rules was that any document
"relating to any matter in question" was discoverable. The courts
took a very wide view of what was covered by this. The test was
laid down a long time ago when no-one had the quantities of paper
they have now…
…What is now required is that, following only a "reasonable
search" (CPR 31.7(1)), the disclosing party should, before making
disclosure, consider each document to see whether it adversely
affects his own or another party's case or supports another party's
case. It is wrong just to disclose a mass of background documents
which do not really take the case one way or another. And there is
a real vice in doing so: it compels the mass reading by the lawyers
on the other side, and is followed usually by the importation of
the documents into the whole case thereafter - hence trial bundles
most of which are never looked at.
Lord Justice Jacob (19 Jul 2007)
Nichia Corp v Argos Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 741 (19 July